Expand your horizons, talk without limits.

Como traductora e intérprete traduzco cualquier tipo de texto de manera precisa y minuciosa, y ayudo a comunicarte con soltura con tus clientes o socios de negocios en reuniones  presenciales, llamadas telefónicas y reuniones virtuales.

I deliver professional translation and interpreting services, as well as other language solutions in four languages: English, Spanish, Romanian, and German.

My services


Traduzco todo tipo de textos y documentos. En mis traducciones busco que el texto sea fiel al original, primo la riqueza léxica y me aseguro de que se adapte a los requisitos del cliente. Me he especializado en traducción de páginas web, documentos jurídicos y artículos.


I offer simultaneous, consecutive, and liaison interpreting services, remotely or face-to-face. I love challenges. I spend most of my time researching and practicing my skills.


I translate and adapt your audiovisual content ensuring that the subtitles match the audio and are seamlessly integrated into the script, obtaining a professional result without technical errors.

Los clientes

con los que he trabajado recientemente.


The choice of the type of service depends on the assignment and the event. Translation refers to reworking a text from one language into another to maintain the original message. Interpreting refers to orally translating into another language to help the speakers understand each other.

Each service has its rates. In the case of translation there may be variation between the rates per word for different language combinations, but in the case of interpreting these are fixed rates. Our prices are available to anyone interested. Just email me at and I will get in touch.

Ideally, tell us about the order a few days in advance. So that we can prepare the meeting (if it is an interpretation) or review the text we have translated to achieve a better result.

Are you in need of an urgent professional translation?

Please, use the form below to ask for an urgent service. You can send your file, audio, or other documents. I will get in touch with you as soon as possible!

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